Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr M : Save Palestine, boycott US goods

theSun Tuesday, January 6, 2009

“The boycott will have to be a universal effort. If confined to Malaysia alone, it is not going to be effective but Malaysians must also play their part.
“We must not allow ourselves to be cowed. Even if we do little things, I think we can achieve quite a lot,”

Well, I managed to list down some US products ( not in order ) :

Coco-cola, Pepsi, Kellogg’s, Kraft, Campbell’s
Starbuck, MacDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King
Colgate, Maybelline, Avon, Johnson & Johnson, Gillette, Pampers
Marlboro, Lucky Strike, Camel
Pfizer, MERCK
Levi’s, Nike. GAP, Tiffany & Co, Polo
UPS, FedEx
Microsoft, IBM, Apple, hp, Intel, DELL, Compaq
Internet, Google, eBay, Yahoo! amozon.com, AOL, Facebook
Ford, Harley-Davidson, Boeing
NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball,
Xerox, Motorola, Duracell, Kodak
TV shows : Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, Survivor
Hollywood movies
CNN, Cartoon Network, MTV, TIME
Marriott, Hilton
Superman, Batman, Spiderman
MIT, Harvard University, YALE University. Stanford, UCLA
Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Martin Luther King Jr.
English, Latin, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese
USD, Amex, VISA, citi
Food plant indigenous to America : maize, blueberry, strawberry, cherry, pitaya, chili, potato, etc

This blogger welcomes additions to the list
…..just hoping after boycott the products, we won’t fall back to Stone Age