Saturday, June 30, 2018

Chronicles of James : Baby's Day Out

Rambutan oh Rambutan ....
to buy or not the buy, 
that is not a question.

He is a scout to be ....        He was not a scout.

" The innovative leader has to be 
an arsonist and a firefighter. "  

Dasiong : 
“ Be like a train
go in the rain, 
go in the sun, 
go in the storm, 
go in the dark tunnels! “

load... ready... aim ,,,   BOOM !

Sunday, June 24, 2018

富爸爸 穷爸爸 2

富儿子 : "爸爸,我吃太饱了!"
富爸爸 : "喝点酒吧!有助消化也。"

穷儿子 : "爸爸,我肚子饿了!"
穷爸爸 : "喝多点水! 喝多便饱了。"

富爸爸 穷爸爸

富爸爸 :
"孩子睡吧! 睡着了就不觉得饱了。"

穷爸爸 :
"孩子睡吧! 睡着了就不觉得饿了。"

Friday, June 22, 2018

给儿子的话 #10 行事为人

CEPAT 做事要快,不要慢慢吞吞!
TEPAT 做事要对,不可马马虎虎!
INTEGRITI 做人要正,不要糊里糊涂

Friday, June 15, 2018