Monday, April 1, 2013

Income Tax

Its time to file for income tax, again.

Individual relief = RM9,000.
Which means, RM750/month, or RM25/day for all expenses, including food,  accommodation, transportation, household expenses, utilities, clothing, entertainment etc.. How can anyone living in a city survive with RM750/month, with the ever-rising living cost ?

Rebate for books = RM1,000. Anyone spending that kind of money for books ?
Rebate for broadband subscription = RM500. mana cukup ?
Rebate for house installment = RM10,000. Why only for property bought between 10th March 2009 till 31 December 2010 ?

Minimum taxable income ( for a singleton ) = RM2,450 net
if we calculate it backward, Minimum taxable income ( RM2,450 ) = [ Annual Income ( RM17,856 ) – Individual rebate( RM9,000 ) – EPF ( RM6,000 ) ] -  Tax relief ( RM400 ). 
Thus, an average singleton earns more than RM1,488/month are taxable.  Unless he/she is entitled to a lot more of rebates and reliefs.

• In 2010, there are 5.5 million registered individual taxpayers in Malaysia ( NST, Tax refunds in 30 days, 24 Mar 2012 ), out of 11,129,400 employed labour force ( Department of Statistics, Principal Statistic of the Labour Force, 1982-2011 ).
 Which means, of 11,129,400 employed labour, almost half of them are not paying tax, either they earn less than RM1,488/month, or simply don’t pay.   

Per capita income of average Malaysian = USD9,656 ( @ RM28,968  º RM2,414/month )  ( World Bank, 1990-2010 )
Average Malaysian’s income are taxable, why only half of the workforce pay tax?
IRB collected RM15,574.59 million in 2009 from individual taxpayers. (  IRB Annual Report, 2009 )
IRB’s Annual Report dare not to publish the number of taxpayers, why?  How many taxpayers contributed to the tax revenue ?

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